Saturday, December 25, 2010

Love came down at Christmas

The number of stockings on the mantle is more significant than where we celebrate Christmas.

Last year, Katie, Jeff and I travelled home to Hinsdale. It was wonderful to be there, but I missed being with Nick and Lizzy.

I admit there were moments this year when I longed to be snowed in on Meadowbrook Lane.

Then we went to church on Christmas Eve, sang  the same familiar carols and lit candles in the darkness. Come Light of the World Jesus!

Christmas morning dawned under a bright blue sky. The sun glistened on the lake and I knew there was no place I'd rather be than Phoenix, surrounded by the warmth and glow of happy faces.

Lizzy and Nick



Sunday, December 12, 2010

Some birthdays are better than others

Nick with Lizzy on his 25th Birthday

Nicholas celebrated his fourth birthday on December 4, 1989, five days after Katie was born. We wanted to make him feel special on his birthday so we planned a party with his preschool friends: Louis, Rusty, Kendra, Kelly and others kids with names I can't remember now. 

The only challenge was our backyard. We had an old fashioned red swing set and plenty of space for running. We also had a pool and lived on a canal - two things not compatible with active, sugar-happy preschoolers.

"Let's hire a magician/clown to entertain the kids and keep them away from the water." 

It was a great idea that almost worked!

The phone rang just as the kids started arriving. Our entertainment had car trouble and WOULD NOT make it to the party at all. She relayed some party games over the phone and wished us luck.

I tried to pass Katie off to my mother so I could help - but back she came sobbing.  I couldn't get Katie to sleep or be comfortable anywhere but in my arms. Fortunately, others mothers came to Jeff's aid, and Kelly's mom Laura turned out to be quite good at kids' party games. No one fell in the pool or worst, the canal. Nicholas had a great birthday and turned into a patient and loving big brother, never blaming Katie - or the clown - for almost ruining his day. 

I was the one who felt like I missed out that four-year-old year so celebrating his 25th was an unexpected bonus. 

Monday, November 29, 2010

21 years ago today

I walked around our Miami neighborhood on a late November morning, the raindrops gently washing over me.

"This is the day our daughter will be born," I knew in my heart. I wanted to hurry her along so I walked.

When the drizzle turned to rain, I walked around the pool, partly sheltered by the screened enclosure.

When darkness fell, I walked around the house.

Suddenly, the leisurely day turned rushed. Quick, we need to go, I told Jeff as he fumbled for my shoes. Forget the shoes! I wore shoes all day, walking with my daughter.  I laid on the back seat of the minivan - no shoes necessary - went from the minivan to a wheelchair - from the wheelchair straight to the delivery room. Moments later, Katie entered the world.

Eighteen months later, we moved to Hinsdale. When I told Katie she was born in Miami, she heard me say "my ami".  If anyone asked Katie where she was born, she would sweetly reply, "In Mommy's Amy."  Pretty smart for a little one!

Twenty one seasons have passed since that rainy November 29th in Miami when we walked as one. Katie learned to walk alone early and has been on the go ever since.

Every story has a beginning, middle and ending. This is Katie's beginning, she's nowhere near the middle and it's way too soon to know the ending. Still, turning 21 is a milestone, the passage into adulthood and a time to be celebrated. A time to walk together and a time to run like the wind in new directions.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Scenes from our Road Trip

We left home midday on Thursday, November 18 with Ozzie nestled amid piles of stuff...again. First stop - St. Louis to see Susan and Steve before heading out on Friday for a mostly flat drive through Missouri and the center of Kansas. We reached Pueblo, Colorado by nightfall and decided to stop so we could enjoy the mountain scenery by day. Saturday was a great sightseeing day through Durango, Four Corners and Flagstaff, where we had dinner with Katie, Meg and Kendra. We left Flag just as the wind and freezing rain started making the trip down the mountain difficult until we reached calmer weather.  Arrived at home in Phoenix around midnight. 

Four Corners 

San Francisco Peaks - Flagstaff

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Ready to go

Ozzie is making sure that we don't leave Hinsdale without him this time. He remembers all the overnights we spent at the farm this summer - without him. And the week in California - without him.

Ozzie wants to go with us, can't you tell. He doesn't know now that his life will revert from a wandering outdoor cat back to one that lives on a leash in a fenced backyard. This may be the year he learns to walk on the leash with me.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

March of the Santas

They were all packed up ready to go to Phoenix when Nick dropped a bombshell on my holiday planning.

"They're creepy," he said about my Santas. "Did you ever see the movie 'Chucky'? And what about 'Toy Story'?"

I was surprised by his response. Like the time he was upset that we took down the wallpaper in the kids' bathroom. I don't know who Chucky is and I don't remember Toy Story being particularly threatening, but maybe just the idea of dolls coming to life is scary for kids. Or boys. I think Katie would have been happy to have her Kukla doll come to life. And she likes my Santa collection. They don't creep her out.

"They just stare out the window, looking creepy," Nick repeated. They actually stand in front of the window, staring at us, which may be worse. 

Jake said the same thing about the dolls in the guest room. So I put them away and wondered how many other guests thought that. Nobody ever said anything about the odd collection that included two of my childhood dolls and two from Jeff's grandma. I'll admit the flamenco dancer was a little scary, but she was given to us after abuelita passed away at 100. 

"Just bring three Santas," Nick suggested. Sure, that's easy for him to say. Which three!? That's like a mother deciding which child to take on a special trip. If I have to choose between lots of inanimate jolly old St. Nick's and my Nick, the decision is easy. Packed away they stay.     

Friday, November 12, 2010


It could be a lock combination. A math equation or the ages of three relatives celebrating their birthday together. Jeff and Uncle Palmer share a Veteran's Day birthday. Teresa was born a few days earlier and many years later.

This isn't the first time Jeff and Palmer celebrated their birthdays together. There was Palmer's 75th in Battle Creek. Then there was Jeff's 50th in Las Vegas. He won't have another milestone birthday for three years (yikes - 60?!), but next year's infamous birthday date 11-11-11 seems like reason enough to return to Vegas or maybe even somewhere more exotic. 

Las Vegas 2003

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Does God speak through fortune cookies?

Autumn has spent her grandeur. The trees are shedding the last of their golden leaves. The days are getting shorter. The cold morning air lingers a bit longer. Which means it's time for us to pack up and head to Phoenix. To family. To friends. To warmer weather. My heart says, "Yes". My heart says, "No".  So much to gain, so much to leave behind. I asked God to give me direction. I cracked open a fortune cookie, and there, expressed in God's infinite humor, was a message about travelling to the west. 

The Israelites were guided out of Egypt by a pillar of cloud to guide them by day and a pillar of fire to give them light at night. This being modern times, I would expect a less obvious sign, but does a fortune cookie count

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween through the years

Nick's first - 1986
Nick and Samantha 
1988 - Costa Mesa


Nick and Louis
1989 - Miami
One month before Katie's birth

1990 - Miami with Papou
Katie's first with Kendra and Nick
with Yiayia

1991- Hinsdale

Katie and Jordan 

Nick and Jonathan

Katie with Jake and Jordan

Kukla - 1995
Katie and Kate
Greg, Nick and Ross
or Ross, Nick and Greg

Kukla - 1996

Katie C and Katie E


1998 - Katie E And Katie C 
1998 - Nick and Friends 


Katie and Friends

Nick and Friends