Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Time to Go

My first blog entry in July 2009 was all about falling in love with a mischievous kitten who invaded our home and captured our hearts with his silly antics and quizzical looks. Ozzie inspired Cat Tales and Other Truths.

He's quite the gentleman cat with good manners (most of the time) and a social disposition.  He's a seasoned traveler who crisscrosses the country twice a year with nary a complaint. He's a skilled hunter, a daytime prowler, prince of the neighborhood in Hinsdale and guardian of our backyard in Lakewood, watching over the ducks and birds that come his way.

Ozzie testing out the driver's seat as we made preparations for our departure for winter in Arizona.

Finding solace in an open drawer and..

comfort in an half-packed suitcase.

Making sure he's not left home alone


Finding his niche in the car and...

Crossing the border from New Mexico into Arizona

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