Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Downstairs at the National Restaurant Show

We grab a glass and proceed down aisles and aisles of vendor booths at the International Wine, Spirits and Beer Show. A sip here, a sip there, a sip of wine from Hawk and Horse Vineyards cause it's near Jeff's hometown, a sip of Spanish wine, a sip of Greek wine and can't forget the effervescent Prosecco cause it's the new in drink and the charming rep is so authentically Italian. Then there's Jan's, the smooth friendship drink from Holland; Domaine de Canton, the sophisticated French ginger liqueur; and Dorda, a double chocolate liqueur from ~ who cares where it from, it's dessert in a glass.
It's a good thing I'm not a buyer. My head was spinning by the time we left, but I do a have a couple tips.

For Lizzy, who like to do cute things when entertaining: a drink bar.

For Katie, who loves all things Chicago, here's your beer.  

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