Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day memory

Memorial Day is like the unsung heroes it celebrates, sometimes remembered, oftentimes not.  I think back to a time of innocence when Katie, in her third grade wisdom, reminded us that war is the sum of the individuals who give their lives for our freedom. Instead of being overwhelmed when we visited the Vietnam Memorial in Washington D.C. back in August 1998, she brought the massive wall down to her size and understood the magnitude of what she was seeing.  She focused on the first name she saw, John, and the last name, Jesse. And to her they were real men, real soldiers, real heroes.

In 2001, we visited the American Immigrant Wall of Honor at Ellis Island in New York. This time,  Katie searched for names she knew, that of her grandfather and great-grandparents. Heroes of a different kind, who against all obstacles, with courage and faith, made the journey to America, a journey that took them away from their  families, homes and heritage to a foreign land where their name was changed upon docking, stripping them of their identity and respect. But they persevered, learned the English language, joined the U.S. Army, took a job, raised a family, made a life.  And we, that family, are testament that the journey was well worth the trip.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Summer throwback

I'm surprised to see the ice cream truck peddling its treats through Hinsdale this summer.

I vaguely remember an ice cream truck controversy back when Nick and Katie were growing up. I don't recall if parents were worried about kids running into the street, the integrity of the driver or both, but one summer the truck came no more. It wasn't a great loss since our freezer was always stocked with ice cream, push ups or freezies, different colored juices in long plastic wrappings that became popscicle-like when frozen. They came in a big box and were plentiful when there were lots of kids around. They could even have seconds.  

Still, there were times before the ban when the magical melody caught the kids' ears. They rushed in for change and rushed back out, eyes wide open as they perused the tempting photos of drumsticks, red, white & blue bullets, chocolate-covered ice cream bars, cookie sandwiches.

They never did figure out the truth: orange creamsicles are the best.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Downstairs at the National Restaurant Show

We grab a glass and proceed down aisles and aisles of vendor booths at the International Wine, Spirits and Beer Show. A sip here, a sip there, a sip of wine from Hawk and Horse Vineyards cause it's near Jeff's hometown, a sip of Spanish wine, a sip of Greek wine and can't forget the effervescent Prosecco cause it's the new in drink and the charming rep is so authentically Italian. Then there's Jan's, the smooth friendship drink from Holland; Domaine de Canton, the sophisticated French ginger liqueur; and Dorda, a double chocolate liqueur from ~ who cares where it from, it's dessert in a glass.
It's a good thing I'm not a buyer. My head was spinning by the time we left, but I do a have a couple tips.

For Lizzy, who like to do cute things when entertaining: a drink bar.

For Katie, who loves all things Chicago, here's your beer.  

Sunday, May 19, 2013

The gift that keeps on blooming

One week later, my birthday & mother's day bouquet has new blooms.
 Lilies so fair that they are mentioned in the Bible for their splendor:

Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you,
even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. 
                                                                                                ~ Luke 12:27 (ESV)

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Celebrity sighting times two

I didn't know when the evening started that Jeff and I were in for a thrill of the rarest kind ~ a celebrity concert so private that we were were asked to turn in our badges as we exited so no one on the street knew it took place. 

I get a thrill just being in downtown Chicago so having this special invitation as part of the National Restaurant show was particularly exciting. This is the kind of thing that happens to other people. 

The evening started out warm enough to stroll from Millenium Park to Smith & Wollensky for a lovely dinner on the river. That is until the wind whipped up and sent us inside to savor our last glass of wine before heading to the House of Blues next door. There was our contact Jon in the purple shirt with his coat full of secret badges.

Yep, our celeb for the evening was Sheryl Crow and her band.  So why the headline 'times two'?
A young lady, who works for Jeff Bridges' End Hunger Network, came up to us before the concert began and asked if she could have her photo taken with Mr. Bridges' doppelganger. Others have said that but never someone who actually knows the other Jeff. So I'm wondering, did they always look alike or just recently, with the long hair and beard.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Favorite Mother's Day Quote

"Parents, we can either fear that we have messed up our kids or trust that every moment with them still matters." 

                                                                                     ~  Allan Fuller, Pastor
                                                                                          Mountain Park Community Church
                                                                                          Phoenix, AZ 

Spring Blooms at Covo Hills 


I love that every moment with our children still matters, which in turn means, every moment with our parents still matters. There's nothing to fear in the the empty nest except a lingering look at silent rooms with beds always made. Why does that makes us sad? When adult children leave home, relationships grow sweeter and every moment more precious as the days between hugs grow longer.

Sunday, May 5, 2013


Instead of questioning why there are two Easters, I decided to rejoice that I could celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ twice.

First at Mountain Park Community Church on March 31 with wacky, wonderful, wise and witty Pastor Allan who drives home the message like none other.  He took us on a unexpected Easter journey from YOLO ~ You Only Live Once in the world where earthly pleasures and successes are your reward to YOLO Extreme ~ You Only Live Once in the world but maintain an eternal perspective with heavenly rewards.

And today, at the Greek Orthodox Church, where the Resurrection was celebrated as in the past with incense, candles and the traditional Easter Song ~ Christos Anesti ~ Christ has Risen sung many times over thanksgiving and holy reverence.

A different interpretation but the language of LOVE remains the same.