Friday, March 25, 2011

Home in Bloom

We woke up to a light dusting of snow on our second morning home, a sure sign that it is still winter in Hinsdale. I pulled out my long wool coat, gloves and scarf to brave the 28 degree morning, and let the car warm up a bit before venturing out to Bible Study. If we hadn't already experienced a long run of 80 degree Phoenix days, I'd feel discouraged by the cold. Instead, I feel thankful to home and watch with anticipation the bulbs popping up in clumps around the yard.

Miraculously, two house plants thrived on neglect and survived from mid-November to mid-March without watering and 55 degree inside temperatures: the blooming kalanchoe and mother-in-law's tongue (which is what I now am - a mother-in-law with, I hope, a kind and loving tongue).

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