Friday, August 13, 2010

It feels different this time

The first two years, we flew out together, enjoyed a vacation, drove Katie up to Flagstaff and helped her move into McConnell Hall, then Mountain View on opening day. 

I didn't mind coming home to an "emptynester" house. We had done our duty - deposited her safely at school, where she was meant to be for the next nine months. There was closure. I saw the space she would live in, the roommate who would come and go, but be there through the long, dark night. I sensed the excitement of a new school year, felt autumn in the year and accepted the waning days of summer. 

It was time to say goodbye. 

This year, she flew off on her own more almost three weeks early, abruptly taking summer with her before I was ready. There was more shopping to do, meals to cook, talks to have. There will always be more to do and not enough days. And for that reason I am blessed. Better to have more time left on the clock, than use it all up.

It feels different this time - her leaving. The homecomings will continue, but the stays may become shorter in time and with time. 

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Trick Photography?

Now that I have a Covo Hills blog at, I don't put many farm pictures on Cat Tales and Other Truths. These photos from last week were too good to pass up.

Cousin Jared from Los Banos, California was surprised no one had ever climbed up the silo. It was just standing there begging for his attention. He climbed more than half-way up and could have gone to the top if we weren't getting ready to leave.

Not to be outdone after a summer of keeping up with Jake and his friends (future entries on the COVO Hills Blog), Katie climbed up too. Looks high from this angle, right? OK, so she didn't go as high as Jared. There's always next summer.