Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Today brought one of life's sweet moments. Katie called to ask if I was watching Gilmore Girls.

I was.

It was the final episode - the one we first watched together in May 2007. Katie was still in high school then but I knew - and she knew - that it as just a matter of time before she would leave home like Rory.

Gilmore Girls premiered in October, 2000 when Katie was in fifth grade. We watched every Tuesday night rarely missing an episode. Even Nick - who was starting high school at the time - laments the fact that he knows too many lines from the show. And Jeff, who was usually in Dallas the first time around, has come to admire Lorelai's on-again, off-again beau Luke in reruns.

Today was sweet because it's what I wrote about in a Doings article the December before Katie graduated from high school. After collecting the seasons year after year, I gave Katie the seven season boxed set for Christmas so we could both have all the episodes at our fingertips. We could turn back the years by watching them at the same time - she at college and me at home.

So today I let the tears come when Lorelai said "It's too soon. I thought I had all summer to impart my wisdom."

And later when Rory said, "Mom. Mom. Mom. You've given me everything I need."

The sweet part is talking to Katie 2 1/2 years after that show first aired, knowing how well she's doing in life and her studies and like Rory, she has everything she needs.

Even sweeter is knowing that years later and miles apart, we can still connect over Gilmore Girls.

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