Saturday, December 19, 2009

Home for Christmas

"Gee, Toto, I don't think we're in Phoenix anymore."
-- Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz

OK, so maybe I used a little creative license when citing this classic quote, but I'm sure the fictional Dorothy could relate to the surreal feeling of waking up to a warm and sunny day, flying 1,500 miles through cloud-laced skies and then landing in the snowy flat midwest terrain - all in a few hours time.

It's possible, I've discovered to feel at home in two distinct places,
to love the life you lead, the person you are and the people you see.
How lucky to wake up in Phoenix and see a lake, mountains, palm trees.
How lucky to wake up in Hinsdale and see our parklike backyard transformed into a winter wonderland.

The beauty of the Christmas season is displayed in unique ways.
In Phoenix, we were awed by twinkling cactus, glowing palm trees and bright snowflakes hanging from mesquite trees.
In Hinsdale, I love spotlights on the snow, candles in the windows, snow covered creches and gently falling flakes.
Most of all, I love knowing that a babe was born in a manger to a humble and faithful mother who believed in the power of God and the destiny of her child.

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