Monday, July 20, 2009

Ozzie Up A Tree

There's a young boy named Cash who lives next door to our farm. The last two times we've been at Covo Hills, he shinnied up the tallest pine tree by camp faster than I could yell, "Be careful, Cash!"
He catches snapping turtles in the pond, rides his ATV through the hills and enjoys hanging with us when we're there.
He knows all about the animals in the woods, their habits and their whereabouts. He doesn't much worry about keep his shirt clean or washing his hands before lunch.
It occurred to me as I watched Ozzie climb the tree out front our home that
he and Cash are the "same age".
At four months old, Ozzie is just like a third grader - curious, fearless, mischievous, happy
and eager to go from one fun activity to the next.
I've never seen Cash at the end of the day, but I'm guessing he falls into bed exhausted
and sleeps hard just like Ozzie.

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