Friday, September 21, 2012

Foreign Relations

We enjoyed a visit with George, my second cousin twice removed on my father's side. Well into his 80's, George is an active, adventurous type who was traveling alone from his home near Boston to California. We were happy to provide a bed for the night, a few meals and glasses of wine. In return, we received a wonderful photo journey through Greece and Albania.

George took one of his many trips overseas in July, this time with his son. He was eager to talk about family we don't know, but hope to someday meet.

The house pictured above is where my father lived in Sofratica, Albania until he immigrated to New York as a young adult. George solved the mystery of why Greeks were living in Albania. Simply stated, the border changed and so did the country of their village. 

The groom is this tiny church wedding in Athens is my first cousin Nikos Nonis. And the lady with Nikos and his wife is Aunt Olga, my father's only surviving sister. He left for America when Olga was a young girl and never again saw her, his other sister Vasilo Pilo or mother Efthalia.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Ears to Hear

I'm convinced pets know exactly what we humans are saying and think of ways to foil our plans... if they don't agree, and oftentimes they don't.

I have no doubt Ozzie heard me chatting with Katie about bringing her quilt to Sedona. Later in the day, I passed by her room and noticed a lump on the bed. Ozzie was wrapped inside, no doubt claiming ownership of the quilt that's been his to lay on for five years.