Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas in a Box

The realization came slowly and wistfully like snow settling on sturdy branches.
I pulled out the Christmas decorations
and thought one by one
about the things I left behind in Phoenix

 Nativity figurines
Christmas china
Our handmade stockings
 the hanging card holder I love to decorate with photo cards
 the well-thumbed Night Before Christmas book traditionally read on Christmas Eve
Little things familiar and comforting like old friends

There are many things I can survive without but one thing I need to survive
and He does not fit into a box.
Happy Birthday Jesus

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

This is the reason why

The kind souls who work at the humane society may show compassion to young, stray or abandoned animals, but they're not so considerate of the tenderhearted people who wander in  expecting to find the perfect pet.  How do you choose just one from a family of frolicking kittens, rough and tumble  playing head over paws in fun with each other?

A little over two and one half years ago, Katie and I obsessed over which kitten to take home - the one that favored Smokey, the one whose little kitty motor purred loudest or the one who climbed up and fell into the trash can.

Caught Ozzie back in the trash can today - his little face still tugging at my heart strings.

Friday, December 9, 2011

First step, First snow

We forget that Ozzie is a snowbird too. 
He came to live with us in May 2009, 
the year we spent our first winter in Phoenix. 
Out west before Thanksgiving, he has never stepped foot in snow.
Until this December

when the first dusting of a mild winter brought a flurry of new and unexpected adventures.