Wednesday, June 29, 2011


"Im crying i cant find my camera" 

A text sent from Katie in Rome 3:35 am Chicago time. 
Not the wake up message a mother wants to see. 
Certainly not the worse thing that could happen to a 21-year old traveling around Europe. 
My mind fast forwards to other reasons she could have for crying in a foreign country.
Still not the best news for someone more apt to post on Facebook than put together a photo album. 
If she were home, I would stop what I was doing and search high and low.  
All I can do from afar is be a sympathetic listener, not chastising her for the loss. 
It could be anywhere - left in a hostel, taxi cab, metro, restaurant, park or... stolen.
My initial response was "oh no" which made her lament the loss even more, texting about a ruined trip, losing hope and feeling mad, sad and frustrated. 
To which I replied "pray, pray and pray again", 
knowing that her camera won't suddenly appear 
but she may feel better.

The thing about being a mother is our job is never done. 
Even when we're not on "active duty", we're still on call 
not so much to do anything but to be a sounding board, 
a shoulder to cry on or a voice of praise. 
Sometimes the call bursts your buttons you're so proud,
 other times it tears at your heart.
 A mother's heart knows the different between little snip and a gash.

Losing a camera on a once in a lifetime trip is sad, 
but Katie has a lot to be thankful for in her life. 
She won't have her photos, but others on the trip will share theirs...on Facebook. 
And yes, she will still be sad about losing her camera and
 I will miss out on seeing 
 the cobblestone streets of Breda 
through Katie's eyes. 

Who came first? The husband or the friend?

I met Barb in middle school, remained best
friends in high school, then lived together at ASU.

Barb met Jeff in Mr. Quesada's color art class
our senior year at ASU. I met Jeff after he 
was friends with Barb and our roommate Lisa. 
Here we are sharing a beer at Millennium Park 
in Chicago more than 40 years later 

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Weather Woes Continue

June arrived with a vengeance - certainly not with the destructive force displayed by nature in the other parts of the country, but noteworthy nonetheless. After a string of 90 degree days, I woke up this morning to a felled tree limb, a lake in the backyard and temperatures more than 40 degrees lower than yesterday. We've had ducks appear in our yard before, but never turkeys!